
德国南部-------South of Germany------Schluchsee

8月29日, 我来到了Schluchsee 观光, 看到了湖, 森林和帆船.............

29August , I came to Schluchsee as tourist for sightseeing .................I can see Lake , Forest and making sailing .............



到荷兰阿姆斯特丹是8月20日的晚上, 路上果然下雨了..........因为住在了红灯区, 即使是午夜依然很吵闹..........21日我在Madame Tussard 蜡像馆和好多名人合影, 很是惬意和开心............

Arrive Amsterdam it is already night on 20th August , it is raining on the way .............live in red light area , even if it is midnight it is still very noisy ..........i made a lot of photos with celebrity at Madame Tussard on 21th August, it is really delightful and happy ...............


友谊天长地久--------Friendship to a very long time-------Freundschaft

2009年11月28日,我和Richard 在一起吃晚饭..........

28 th Nov. 2009 , me and Richard had supper together .................This is Richard mother and father , it is very happy family ...........Richard have a brother but he is not at home on that night .........his brother played table tennis at training center at weekend ....................

我家的楼下住着一家意大利人, 男主人叫安东尼奥.............

Familie Rocca mit mir am 12 August , meine Omi hat mir besuchen auch .............


我的奶奶---------My Grandma-------Meine Omi

Anja is daughter of my uncle , she is 17 years old , still at school ............

2009 年11月22日,是感恩节,我在奶奶家见到了大大.............

I met Uncle at Grandma 's Haus on 22th Nov. 2009 and this day is Thanksgiving Day...........

我的奶奶有2个儿子, 我的爷爷是2005年12月去世的, 奶奶是快70岁的老人了........

My grandmother has two sons , my grandpa passed away in December 2005, my grandmother will be 70 years old ..........

My grandmother visit me on my 1 years old birthday ...............

生日快乐------ Happy Birthday--------Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!

去年8月12日, 是星期二, 天气阴, 今年12日是星期三, 天气晴。

恍惚中, 我已经1岁了, 本能地走了, 也能喊出声了..........

有时候, 我睁大眼睛, 愣愣地发呆, 我从哪里来, 要到哪里去, 其实, 当我对这个世界有领悟和感觉的时候, 我就开始孤独了, 我开始搂着猴子睡觉............

Last year , 12th August , Tuesday , it is cloudy , this year , it is also on 12th August , it is Wednesday , it is sunny day ............

Dazedly , I am 1 years old , i began to find my own feet , i can shout instinctively .......... I was calling for my mothers when i was frightened............

Sometimes , I opened my eyes, I was apt to retire into myself, where i was from and where i have to go ..............in fact, when i had feeling for this world , i began to feel lonely ........I pressed monkey to me during the night ...........